Tag: SundayTimes

The Times: “Rampant secularism is fuelling culture wars”

In a comment piece in today’s Times (10 September), Melanie Phillips says what those of us with eyes to see it have known for some time: that secularism, with its blinding promises of ‘tolerance’ and ‘freedom’, is actually fuelling a culture of anger, hatred and intolerance throughout Western society. Ms. Phillips argues — in my

Sunday Times says Christianity is keeping us radical (sort of)

On 25 August the Sunday Times had an article by Rosamund Urwin entitled, “#JesusToo: Christianity is keeping us radical, says historian.” The article was a reflection on the soon-to-be-released new book by Tom Holland, Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind. According to the article, in his book Holland calls Christianity the “greatest revolutionary movement”