Tag: #mediawatch

Should Christians try to reach uncontacted tribes with the Gospel?

In the wake of the recent news story about the Christian missionary John Allen Chau, who was killed while taking the Gospel to the hitherto-unreached Sentinelese tribe in India, Chris Flux gives his view on whether it’s appropriate for missionaries to try to reach uncontacted tribes. American Christian John Allen Chau was recently killed by

A reflection on the BBC’s ‘The Debt Saviours’

Grace Dalton reflects on the BBC’s recent documentary on the organization Christians Against Poverty (CAP), and whether it presented a balanced view of the charity. A recent documentary, The Debt Saviours, aired on a Friday evening on BBC2. I was already well familiar with the organisation that it probes, Christians Against Poverty; I watched with

‘Allah Has No Son’ leaflet: Christian, unkind or hate crime?

Recently several Muslim families in Lancashire received hand-delivered copies of the Jack Chick gospel tract ‘Allah Has No Son’ from a man called Michael who describes himself as ‘an independent Christian.’ Michael stated that he sent them as his ‘right to reply’ to several community outreach events organised by Muslims in Preston over the previous

BlacKkKlansman: a reflection on faith, race & nationalism

In a guest post, evangelical Christian and author Chris Flux offers his view on the unhappy alliance between Christianity and nationalism, and why this alliance should be of grave concern to Christians. Recently I went to see BlacKkKlansman at the cinema and despite it not being a Christian film, it prompted me to think about

Why we ought to be concerned by Russia’s ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses

The BBC recently reported that five members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses had been detained in Russia on “extremism” charges. The religious sect was effectively banned from Russia last year by its Supreme Court. Although the Jehovah’s Witnesses are not an orthodox Christian group (they do not believe in the full divinity of Christ), Russia’s moves

Were the media right to berate Justin Welby’s speech to the TUC?

Grace Dalton offers some thoughts on Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby’s recent speech to TUC, and how it was received in the media. It’s not often that the Archbishop of Canterbury garners attention across the news media. But he made headlines recently for speaking at the TUC (Trades Union Congress). What can we learn from

Nobel Peace Prize 2018 awarded to campaigners against rape in warfare

We would like to express our delight that the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege, campaigners against rape in warfare, as well as the media profile that this award has received. Dr. Mukwege is a Congolese gynaecologist who, along with his colleagues, has treated tens of thousands of