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[<<] [Contents] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] The Christian faith is not infrequently derided as irrational, delusional, fairyland. Though such arguments are sometimes made in an intellectually vigorous manner, I would argue that at least as often such
It is sometimes falsely claimed that the Church arbitrarily selected the 27 books of the New Testament in the fourth century. While it is true that the 27 books of our New Testament were not formally recognized as ‘the New Testament’ until near the end of the fourth century, and our earliest canon list containing
[Chapters 1—3] [Chapters 4—8] [Chapters 9—13] Contents Introduction Chapter 1. Thanks to God for your faith Chapter 2. Christ’s true passion Chapter 3. Christ possessed a body after his resurrection Chapter 4. Beware of these heretics Chapter 5. Their dangerous errors Chapter 6. Unbelievers in the blood of Christ shall be condemned Chapter 7. Let
[Chapters 1—3] [Chapters 4—8] [Chapters 9—13] Contents Introduction Chapter 1. Thanks to God for your faith Chapter 2. Christ’s true passion Chapter 3. Christ possessed a body after his resurrection Chapter 4. Beware of these heretics Chapter 5. Their dangerous errors Chapter 6. Unbelievers in the blood of Christ shall be condemned Chapter 7. Let
[Chapters 1—3] [Chapters 4—8] [Chapters 9—13] Amongst the very earliest Christian writings we have in our possession after the New Testament itself, are seven letters written by Ignatius, bishop of Antioch in Syria, who was martyred by being fed to wild beasts in Rome around A.D. 107. Whilst on his way to Rome, under Roman
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