Tag: etimasthe

etimasthe YouTube channel now available!

etimasthe now has a YouTube channel available, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2EZnVjgK45EbJBTQGwboUw On this channel, we have begun to produce video versions of my 2019 series, ‘Why I Am a Christian.’ You can find the introduction and the first video in this series using the links below: Introduction to ‘Why I Am a Christian’

Barnabas Fund — Christianity “despised by Western society”

According to the Barnabas Fund’s daily prayer diary for Saturday 18th August, Christians are increasingly finding themselves despised by Western society. Its daily prayer for that day states, As Christians in many Western countries find themselves increasingly despised by society at large and their freedom of conscience and freedom of speech being gradually eroded, pray