BBC website cynically censors Christian faith of man who hugged brother’s murderer in U.S. court

On 3 October the BBC News website shared a remarkable video from the trial of former U.S. policewoman Amber Guyger for the murder of Botham Jean. The video showed Botham Jean’s brother, Brandt, declaring his unconditional forgiveness of his brother’s murderer before embracing her in the middle of the courtroom.
Except the BBC’s ‘cut’ of this video excised the motivation behind Brandt Jean’s remarkable act of forgiveness: his Christian faith.
The BBC’s ‘edit’ of this event is 1 minute 14 seconds long and can be found here:
Compare this with a longer version of the same incident shown on the U.S.’s ABC News and shared on the Gospel Coalition website:
“The BBC’s propensity for denying the facts when it comes to anything relating to Christianity — especially anything which shows Christianity as a vibrant faith or in a positive light — is astonishing.”
What the BBC News website has done with its ‘cut’ of this event is nothing less than a cynical denial of the outrageous possibilities offered by the Christian gospel: that a man, because of the love of God manifested in his Son Jesus Christ, could offer forgiveness to his brother’s murderer in a U.S. courtroom.
The BBC’s propensity for denying the facts when it comes to anything relating to Christianity — especially anything which shows Christianity as a vibrant faith or in a positive light — is astonishing.
The Evening Standard, on the other hand, left Brandt Jean’s Christian testimony up on their website. Why not the BBC?
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Note: I wrote to the BBC Complaints Dept. about this matter. The text of my letter to them can be found here.
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