Why I Am A Christian (11 parts)

[Contents] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11]
The Christian faith is not infrequently derided as irrational, delusional, fairyland. Though such arguments are sometimes made in an intellectually vigorous manner, I would argue that at least as often such arguments are made facilely, and without any proper understanding of what Christianity claims or teaches.
In spite of such attacks on the Christian faith (intellectually vigorous or otherwise), I remain a believing Christian, convinced of the truth of God’s revealed word, the Bible. In a new series of posts, I would like to outline some of the reasons why I still find the Christian faith compelling and convincing.
The eleven parts of this series will come out over the next few weeks. Below is an outline of them. As each successive part in this series is published, it will be hyperlinked in the outline below.
- The Gospels as Eyewitness Accounts
- The Apostolic Church’s Internal Dialogue: The New Testament Letters
- The Diversity of New Testament Voices
- Old Testament Fulfilment (1): Genesis 22
- Old Testament Fulfilment (2): Psalm 22
- Israel’s Self-Confession of Insufficiency in the Old Testament
- The Resurrection Proclaimed in the Old Testament
- The Old Testament’s Admission of Incompleteness
- The Creation and Fall as Satisfying Explanation of the Observable World
- Changed Lives
- “They loved not their lives unto the death”
etimasthe.com is something I do outside of full-time employment. Consequently I generally only post new material on here once or twice a week.
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