Errata to “Clement of Rome’s New Testament” and “Four things Clement of Rome tells us about early Christianity”

I have corrected a mistake in the previous articles, “Clement of Rome’s New Testament” (14 Feb 2018) and “Four things Clement of Rome tells us about early Christianity” (27 Feb 2018).
Towards the end of ‘Clement of Rome’s New Testament’ I summarized the New Testament books quoted, or alluded to, by Clement in his letter1 Clement.
In this summary the list of “books certainly in Clement’s ‘New Testament’” was given as:
- Matthew
- Luke
- Romans
- 1 Corinthians
- Titus
However, this list was clearly missing the Letter to the Hebrews. This has now been added.
In the related article, ‘Four things Clement of Rome tells us about early Christianity,’ in section 4, I stated that,
I have shown here that Clement quotes from between ten and thirteen of our New Testament books — an impressive fact considering the relative brevity of his writings in our possession.
This statement was based on the list aforementioned; it has therefore now been corrected to read,
I have shown here that Clement quotes from between eleven and fourteen of our New Testament books — an impressive fact considering the relative brevity of his writings in our possession.
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